VIII Intercontinental Circuit 2023
International, Intercontinental
We meet again with the presentation of the 8th edition of our circuit. Eight years have passed but if we take a quick look at the trajectory of the circuit it seems to have passed a decade or so. It has been eight years of intense work and close collaboration between the entities involved in this organization.
Our motto has been: international, intercontinental, to emphasize the great scope in which we are working, five countries, two continents, in a global world.
Thanks for the good coordination and collaboration between the Federació Andorrana de Fotografia, the Academia de Arte y Fotografía Cabrales del Valle from Cuba, the Club Fotográfico Panama, the Dominican Republic Photogroup and finally, FotoArtReus in Catalonia which, in addition to organizing the GaudiRfoto coordinates all the logistics of the Circuit together with Joan Burguès who from the FAF maintains relations with the various countries.
But also because of the globalization of the COVID that we suffered recently even if it seems like a distant thing now. Despite everything, we have been able to maintain our circuit within the international panorama of photography, gaining prestige year after year.
This prestige is achieved with careful organization and also by the work done by the judges who have selected and awarded the different works that our participants entrust to us.
So in this edition, 305 artists from 45 countries around the world trusted us and sent us a total of 3469 photographs.
Thanking, as always, the trust that the photographers place in us and the work done by the judges, we look forward to seeing you again in the next edition of 2024.
Josep M. Casanoves Dolcet, AFIAP, EsFIAP
Chairman Interncontinental Circuit